Thursday, August 23, 2007


After having a ton of people mention the book Captivating to me for the past two years, I finally decided that I should read it! It is a really good book and had some really good points that made a huge impact on me.

The authors talked about how Satan uses certain lies to bring us down and to make us feel as though we are not good enough to do the Lord's work. This really hit me in that I am a very insecure person...always have been and I really never knew why. For awhile I have been praying and trying to give these insecurities to my Father but I haven't been able to. Lately though I have realized that it is Satan feeding me these lies so now I'm learning to say no to him and yes to my Lord in this area of my life. I already feel better, free of some of these insecurities, and closer to my Father...but I also hear satans lies get louder and louder in my head. But I know that as long as I remain strong in God He will take care of me and help me.

Another point that these authors made that really struck me was that instead of praying to be something you were not designed to be you should pray for God to make you more in the image he intended you to be in. I really thought that this was interesting because I know so many times I see a women who is an amazing leader for Christ and I want those traits and I sometimes strive to be like her instead of who God created me to be. Now I'm not saying that God didn't create me to become an amazing Christian women...just that he made me unique and I will posses some of the same but also some different qualities from these women that I admire.

The last point of the book that I have been pondering on is about how the world has hardened my heart to certain things. Now I knew that this happens and have tried to protect my heart on a surface level. However, this book has encouraged me to dig deeper and to really see how hard my heart is. As I find these spots I pray that God will soften them. It has been a very humbling experience and has also helped me see people and situations in a different light but I know I have a LONG ways to go before my heart is completely softened and back to the way God wants my heart to be.

I'm very glad that some of the women in my life have encouraged me to read this book! And am also thankful that God has provided such great mentors in my life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post. Nee and I have noticed God working in you, I think that your light shines brighter in you then you might realize.

On to other news, I heard your team's cats name is: Roscoe! Ya know it just makes sense coming from the deep south like that. But I really thought that it would be more like Bubba the Tiger, or Bobby Jo the kitty. I know I have used this on your mom's blog and mine but I just have to say it again. Larry the Cable Cat then it could be: Git-R-Done!

Love ya,
Uncle D.